Learning About Animal HealthLearning About Animal Health

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Learning About Animal Health

When my animals started behaving differently, I made the decision to turn to a veterinarian for help. I wanted to figure out what had caused this sudden change in their behavior, but I wasn't really sure where to start. However, my veterinarian walked me through a long list of different problems it could be, and within days, I had narrowed down the problem to diffusing essential oils that they were allergic to in my home. After making that change, I felt better about their health. On this website, you will find all kinds of health tips regarding animal health, because their lives matter too.


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Blindness In Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, And Ways To Cope

Blindness in your pet dog can be disconcerting, and there are many different causes, some of which can be treated. However, catching the problem early can help you prepare for the future so that your dog can continue to live a happy, active life. Here is more information about the most common causes for blindness in dogs, how to tell if your dog has a vision problem, and how to live with the blindness if there is no cure.

Signs Your Dog Is Going Blind

If your dog's blindness is coming on in a gradual manner, then you may not notice anything at first. Dogs are great at masking health problems and will start relying on their noses and hearing more when their eyesight diminishes. You'll likely not notice anything until the blindness is severe. That's when your dog is most likely to be bumping into things, acting more startled than usual, or having problems finding his or her toys or bowls, especially if they have been moved.

Common Causes of Blindness

For dogs, diabetes is a major contributing factor to blindness. Diabetes can cause cataracts, which can turn into glaucoma and eye infections. Other possible causes include retinal problems such as progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) and suddenly acquired retinal degeneration syndrome (SARDS). While PRA is usually inherited, the cause for SARDS is less clear. There have been signs of a connection between allergies and autoimmune disorders and SARDS, but it has not been confirmed.

Possible Treatments for Blindness

Most causes of blindness cannot be treated directly except for certain types of cataracts and tumors. If there is an underlying cause for the blindness, such as diabetes or Cushing's syndrome, then treating that issue will greatly increase the chance that the problem will either improve or slow down in its progression. 

Living with Blindness

In the event that your dog's blindness can't be treated, then try to make things easier for your dog by doing a few simple things. Check to make sure that your home is free of dangerous obstacles that your dog could trip or fall over. Try to establish a routine as this will help alleviate your dog's increased anxiety. Use the leash to guide your dog when you go out on walks, especially in unfamiliar areas.

In many cases, catching the problem as early as possible can greatly improve the chance that your dog's quality of life will remain good. Any time your dog seems to have a problem with his or her eyes, don't assume that nothing can be done. Instead, visit a veterinary clinic as soon as possible for a diagnosis.